Thursday, October 14, 2010

How weird?

How weird is life in China?
S0 weird...

Today I was reading the Beijing Cafe, an online ex-pat resource.
This was one of the postings:


Lost Placenta in Central Park??

Posted by: "ratomme"

Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:28 pm (PDT)

I apologize beforehand to those who are fainthearted:
For the happy lady who just had a baby and lives in Central Park and had burried fresh placenta with imbilical cord in clear plastic bag under a tree on the hill-your placenta is lying around next to shallow hole, looks like dogs dug it out (at least I hope it was dogs!)
I think it mist befrom an expat -Chinese would not throw it away.


So my question is:
What WOULD the Chinese do with the placenta then?

(By the way, there is no need to answer that. I can only imagine your responses.)

Oh, and Mom, I did NOT make this up! Really.


  1. Why did the lady bury here placenta? And why in a zip lock? the whole things is STRANGE! Funny!!!!

  2. There once was a lady who wenta
    to the park to bury her placenta
    the hole by the tree
    was dug hurriedly
    and the dogs had a feast giganta magenta

  3. My cousin turned his son's into a smoothie and drank it. Nasty.

  4. Very, very strange! And kinnda gross as well... Saw a thing on the TV about a guy who cooked it and ate it, and served it to unknowing guests. Nasty.

  5. Actually, most mammals do eat it after giving birth. Tons of good stuff in there.

    I, on the other had, would pass, thank you very much.
